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September 17, 2023 Mastering AI in Marketing: Essential Insights for Modern Brands

The Evolution of AI in Marketing: From Support Tools to Game-Changers Tracing AI's Origins and Progress The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) might seem like a recent development, given its extensive coverage in the last couple of decades. However, its foundation dates back more than 100 years....

July 23, 2023 Navigating Crisis Communication: An Insightful Exploration

Navigating Crisis Communication Navigating through a crisis effectively is no small feat for any organization. The effectiveness of communication during such a crisis often becomes a vital determinant of the eventual outcome. But which communication approach should an organization opt for, staying silent, responding directly or...

July 23, 2023 Driving Strategic Communication in a Digital Age”

Comms in a Digital Age In the swiftly evolving landscape of the digital age, the very nature of communication has undergone a significant transformation. Consequently, strategic communication – the methodical and deliberate dissemination of information to achieve defined goals – must also keep up and adapt....

July 23, 2023 Robinhood and the GameStop Controversy: A PR Perspective

PR Experience From my tenure in the Marine Corps, where I navigated the treacherous waters of public affairs and crisis management, one principle stood out: maximum dissemination, minimum delay. Since transitioning from the disciplined ranks of the Marines to the corporate world, this is the first...

July 6, 2022 Composition

Composition  Put together Notes form melodies Chords come from notes Dissonance and harmonies Music is a note. ...

April 8, 2021 Am I?

Yesterday, I was faced with that age old question, Am I? Am I who I think I am? Am I the imposter I always thought myself to be? Am I as creative as I proclaimed to believe? Am I the one who truly sees? Am...

April 1, 2021 Make It Count

I have lived life to this point only teeter tottering on the lines of what I could be. This has nothing to do with finances; however, I do enjoy hearing people make hasty assumptions about where I am on the scale - I digress. Make...

March 30, 2021 Is Moving Synonymous With Change?

I have always been on the move. I must admit though that my previous address in Southern California I had hoped to be my last. Not that I wouldn't have homes in other locations, but that I would at the very least have a place...